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English Dentistry Division - Pediatrics classes

The classes take place in the Department of Child Neurology on the 4th B floor of the Pediatric Hospital at Żwirki I Wigury 63a St. Details about time of classes are available on deanery’s website.

We kindly ask you to change your shoes and clothes before enter to the Department. You should wear the apron during the classes. The students' cloakroom is located on -1A and -1B floor (you can go downstairs using the stairwell on the right side of the main entrance to the hospital.) The number of your cloakroom is 66 (the key is available from bodyguards on the right of the main entrance to the hospital).

You are allowed to miss one class. However, then you have to make up a missed seminary by preparing the presentation for proposed subject.

To complete the course students are expected to:
- attend the classes
- pass the colloquium (test) at the end of the classes
- pass the final exam (test) during the exam session

Details about schedule of the exam session and time of exam in pediatrics are available on deanery’s website.

Here you can download lectures and presentations from the pediatrics classes: materials for students

Recommended textbooks for exam in pediatrics for Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and English Dentistry Division:

1. Script for students: „Zarys propedeutyki pediatrii”, edited by Maria Wróblewska-Kałużewska and Bożena Werner, Publishing: Medical University of Warsaw

2. Selected chapters from „Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics”, T.Lissauer i G.Clayden, Elsevier, 2012:
Chapter 2 History and examination
Chapter 3  Normal child development, hearing and vision
Chapter 4 Developmental problems and the child with special needs
Chapter 6 Paediatric emergencies
Chapter 9 Perinatal medicine
Chapter 10 Neonatal medicine
Chapter 13 Gastroenterology
Chapter 14 Infection and immunity
Chapter 16 Respiratory disorders
Chapter 17 Cardiac disorders
Chapter 21 Malignant disease
Chapter 22 Haematological disorders
Chapter 27 Neurological disorders

3. Updated (2016) vaccination schedule
2016 Vaccination schedule - table

PDF icon Vaccination schedule 2016704.68 KB